
Training of Trainers (TOT) in the Field of Pharmaceutical Industries


The British Academy for Training and development providing this unique  program in the area of training of trainers in the field of pharmaceutical industries. 

As the Academy uses sophisticated methods using the best trainers and the latest technologies, including practical training and representation roles and assistance to learn the most important training secrets and techniques. 
This program is aimed to rehabilate the participants to enable them to acquire the necessary skillfully applied experience to work as professionals  trainers in the field of pharmaceutical industries, this  program discussing  the psychological barriers , and how they can be outsmarting, this program featured by capturing the means of electronic applications which help lecturers and professionals  trainers in the implementation of the special training of their companies in the field of pharmaceutical industries. 

The program focuses on teaching participants the Arts of Building and design knowledge units of a training portfolios and  identify of the concepts, principles and practical manner and exercising  for each training module and the design the slide shows   

All that is done within a practical and applied framework which allows each participant to design and create his own material and then to apply it and getting effective feedback to enhance his performance   

Objectives and target group

Who should attend? 

  • For workers in the field of training and education, especially of academic education. 
  • The directors of the development of human resources working in the pharmaceutical industries companies 
  • working in the development of human resources in the pharmaceutical companies. 
  • All the attention of training, would like  to work as a  professional coach  


How attendees will benefit? 

After completion of the programme, delegates will be able to: 

  • Give participants practical experience to work as professional  trainers. 
  • The ability to train staff of pharmaceutical industries companies. 
  •  The ability to identify the training needs of the pharmaceutical companies. 
  • Focus on participants acquisition of the necessary scientific background for their success as trainers and professional. 
  •  The development of the skills of the participants in the training field. 
  • Training on the lecturing , especially in pharmaceutical companies. 
  • Training on the management of the various meetings and training sessions using modern training methods and procedures. 
  •  Identify the mechanisms to harness the latest in technology within the pharmaceutical companies. 

Course Content

  • The concepts about the training. 
  •  Important basics in the management of the training process. 
  •  Staff training basics of pharmaceutical companies. 
  •  Identify training basics of pharmaceutical companies. 
  •  Identify the professional trainer model. 
  •  The construction of the training kit. 
  •  Effective training methods in the pharmaceutical companies. 
  •  The seven aspects to offer. 
  •  Effective communication with the trainees and methods. 
  •  Evaluate the training process in the pharmaceutical companies. 
  •  How to control the tension during the training. 
  • How to deal with the critical questions and questions. 
  •  How to deal with the behavior of the trainees critical conditions during the training 
  • The use of technology and multimedia in the training process within the pharmaceutical companies. 
  •  The technology and e-training. 
  •  Training evaluation and measurement of impact

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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